Posters, logos, all things design that fit to publish.
Poster work for Universidad San Sebastián (2015-2019)
From 2015 to 2019 I worked as a designer and illustrator for Universidad San Sebastián, Sede De la Patagonia. All of this while I was studying Industrial Civil Engineering.
Selection of posters for the Direction of Communications (2017-2019)

Other design works

Gamusino Seal of Approval (2022)
Seal design for Spanish strategist and author Fernando de Córdoba (also known as Gamusino), prior to the book birthday of his debut book Los secretos de las marcas.

Logo for Ingeniería Civil Industrial Universidad San Sebastián (2014, 2017)
Logo design for Ingeniería Civil Industrial Universidad San Sebastián. The first version of the logo was unveiled in 2014 for CEIICH. In 2017 the logo was revised, adding elements of the USS logo, and being used nationally.